Paula Montornès is the editor, the director and the owner of the magazine "Hinterland"; she orders to her son Jon Boix, to finds out on Vania, a spanish supermodel, disappeared ten years ago after her two friends: Cyrille and Egyptian and Somali girl and, Jess Hunt, an American, died both in a tragic suicide. Cyrille killed herself when she lear that she had AIDS; and the second one, Jess Hunt, because of the drugs.
The three girls was known for "Girls wire" characterirzed by its extreme thinnes.
Jon Boix based on the information than Vania has disappeared ten years ago after entering a clinic to recover from her anorexia.
He starts talking to many people, but few of them provide any new information and match all that is dead. But then he finds Robert Aschroft, the old former boyfriend of Vania, provide to Jon a new nam,e for his search: Noirama Brieza; the secretary, servant, and like a mother for Vania.
After talk to people close to the story, managed to finds this woman, Noirama, who lives in Aruba, a small Caribbean island.
Jon travles to this island to talk to her and despite of having complications finding the exact adress, finally find the house and talk to the woman who provides the final data for the article: Vania is dead.
Noirama accompanies Jon to the cementery where she is burriend and Jon see her tomb and the tom of someone called Eliza; Noirama's daughter.
Joan after take Noirama to her house, retorn to the cementery to take some pictures. While doing the photos gets the detail that only the tom of Eliza has flowers and realises that something that happened and the house of Noirama wasn't normal.
While he is dinning at his hotel realizes that detail: Noirama has her hands clean and groomed and at her house he could see a wrokshop and someone there.
Jon returned to Noirama's home, surrounded the left and heard a voice, stopped in fornt of a winfow and saw there Cadafalch Vanessa Mills, Vania.
Then he went to the door and called, Noirama opened unhappy to see him there and, at the time she wanted to close the door, Vania came and said that they were talking about the pass and, after went to stroll around and keep talking.
Two days later, Jon left the island with a doubt: what kind of article would write.
In my oppinion this book was really exciting because every time that you think everything is done and Jon can't wirte this book because he hasn't the necessary information, something new happen.
At the end, is really surprise because you don't realize that she's alive.
So it's a really good book to read again and again.
<<Alguien sabe quién fue la primera auténtica top model de la historia?>>
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