The story "Top Secret", written by Robert Muchamore deals with the training of young people to become agents.
James Choke is an ordinary twelve year old. Well - until his mother dies, he ends up in an orphanage and subsequently trained at CHERUB to be agent. From there stands his whole world head - Because life at CHERUB is, for twelve year olds, not child's play ...
My opinion: Very well written. The training is really cool in itself, but a little too hard for twelve year olds. In normal life anyway. Here in the book that seems to be very easy. But hey - it's a book. I know that too. It is super. Even the adventure of his first job, he gets after he has completed the training, I like that. I'm going to buy the following books :)
This book sounds very interesting, I will read it :)
ResponEliminaI looooooove this :))))))
ResponEliminawho are you?
EliminaMe too !