The story of the book "Weine aus Liebe" written by Jaliah J. is about two gangs, one city and a secretly love. The city is splittet in two parts, every part has a gang and they hate each other. Between the gang there is a little war -> the gangs arent allowed to go on the other side, they are like a little family, they dont talk to the other side and they kill each other. Every gang has got a "chef" and one day the sister of this "chef" falls in love with the other "chef", but it was a big problem because of the war. After a long time meeting secretly and after much troubles there is a happy end. The two can be a couple, everybody likes each other and there is no war anymore.
"Weine aus Liebe" is a really good book, with every type of action. if you want to read a book with action, love, happiness and sadness read this book!
Is the book avaiable in English or Catalan, too?
ResponEliminaBecause it sounds very good :)))