Des del 5 al 10 d’abril els alumnes de 3er d’ESO vam anar a Alemanya concretament a Büren a fer un intercanvi amb l’escola que s’anomena: Marutitius Gymnasium.
El perquè d’aquest intercanvi? El Projecte Comenius Literatour, un projecte de lectura: parlem de llibres, l’opinió, l’argument, què ens ha semblat, si el recomanaríem...
Vam arribar el dissabte al migdia després d’unes llargues hores a l’avió. Un cop vam arribar a Düsseldoff, els nostres companys ens esperaven amb molt d’entusiasme. Va ser una trobada plena d’emocions i pels que no coneixien el seu company una mica vergonyós. Vam passar el dia amb els nostres corresponents mentre ens feien una visita guiada. Després vam anar cap a Büren i cadascú se’n va anar a la seva casa i família d’acollida.
L’endemà, diumenge, vam passar tot el dia amb les famílies. Alguns vam quedar amb els nostres amics alemanys i vam fer diverses activitats: futbol, patinar sobre gel, balneari, trineu, de compres...
Dilluns per fi ens vam retrobar tots els catalans a l’institut, on vam assistir a classe amb els nostres amics i professors alemanys i a mig matí vam anar a visitar el poble on es troba l’institut, Büren. A la tarda teníem lliure i cadascú feia el que tenia planejat amb les famílies o amics.
Dimarts vam agafar l’autobús a primera hora del matí cap a Paderborn a un museu d’informàtica i a la tarda qui volia feia escalada i qui no una visita amb GPS per la ciutat, però al final va ploure i no es va poder fer.
Dimecres vam estar tot el matí treballant sobre el projecte a l’institut: hi havia qui pintava lletres, qui feia un blog, qui gravava un reportatge i entrevistes, tot això en anglès. A la tarda teníem temps lliure.
I per finalitzar, el dijous el nostre últim dia a Alemanya vam anar cap a Essen a visitar un castell anomenat Villa Huegelen. Al migdia vam sortir cap a Dortmund on ens van deixar dues hores lliures per estar amb els nostres amics i poder comprar regals als familiars i cap a les set o així vam agafar l’avió i vam haver de dir adéu a Alemanya i a aquesta gran experiència, que se’ns va fer molt curta.
I a quarts de nou vam tornar a dir: Hola Girona!
5th to 10th April Catalan students in 3rd of ESO went to Büren, germany in an
exchange with a school called Mauritius Gymnasium.
the exchange? Because of the Comenius Literatour Project, a reading project in
which we speak about books, our opinion, the plot, what we think about them,
whether we would recommend it or not. That’s why we created a blog:
arrived on Saturday afternoon after long hours on the plane. Once we reached
Düsseldoff, our German colleagues were waiting with great enthusiasm. It was a
meeting full of emotions and for those who did not know their partner it was a
little embarrassing. We spent the day with our partners as we did a guided
tour. Then we went to Büren and everyone went to their house and welcome
next day, Sunday, we spent all day with families. Some stayed with our German
friends and performed different activities: football, ice skating, spa,
sledding, shopping...
Monday we finally met our Catalan friends at school, where we attended class
with our German friends and teachers. After the morning break, we visited the
village where the Büren Gymnasium is. In the afternoon we had free time and
everyone did what they had planned with families or friends.
Tuesday we took the bus early in the morning to visit a Computer museum in Paderborn and in the
afternoon those who wanted went climbing while those who preferred a visiting
activity , did so with GPS, but in the end it rained so we could not do it.
Wednesday morning we were all working on the project at school: there were
those who painted letters, those who wrote in the blog, those who recorded a
documentary and interviews, all in English. In the afternoon we had free time.
on our last day in Germany
we visited a castle called Villa Huegelen in Essen . At noon we went to Dortmund
where we had two free hours to be with our friends and to buy gifts and for our
family. At seven or so we took the plane and we had to say goodbye to Germany and
this great experience that seemed so short to us.
before nine we said Hello Girona!
Carlota Barneda i Guada Estévez
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